Monday, May 23, 2011

Confessions of a Tetris Addict: a man of mental porn

It always amazes me how some people just own at life, like they were born to succeed, like well-being just cascades down upon them like a lawn chair in a warm summer rain. In my mind I see a pyramid. Anyone familiar with basic geometry knows that when one alters the height of a pyramid to maintain the previous proportions or geometric ratios of that object, one must also extend all other dimensions of that object at the same rate. ANYWHOOO! I figured this perfectly conceptualizes the total existence of the human being, for sure. The height represents overall personal success while everything below represents skills, achievements, talent, lesser levels of success. The crest is like overall awesome points while everything below that is what built the tower up to its current high score. This guys been around, he's done sh** some of us could only dream of accomplishing, and hes built himself the big diversified base that supports his huge enormous looming apex of a brain. This man was born to succeed, and it makes me wonder if this man's predisposition to awesome is genetic or a learned experience. It makes me wonder if some people are predispositioned to just care more than others. Where does this sense of innate drive come from? Who knows? You can't prove a thing, not when metaphysics are in the play.